Life (and business) without social media: Winchmore in the news

Today, our very own Communications Director, Philippa Moore, was interviewed by ABC Radio Sydney following her article in The Guardian about her spontaneous (some might say drastic!) decision to step away from social media at the start of last year. It’s been 16 months and the benefits have been so significant and transformative that Philippa has no immediate plans to return.

Can you run a business, and spread the word about it, without social media?

In our experience, you most certainly can.

We believe in marketing and messaging that serves your audience and your customers, rather than an algorithm. Social media has its place, of course. But over reliance on it as a strategy does not always bring the rewards and returns you might have been led to believe. Diversifying is the key. And you would be surprised how many people respond to something a bit more old-school.

We’re in an interesting time, for sure. We know social media is addictive. We know it is harming our mental health, particularly in young people (the Guardian first reported on this in 2015). The companies who make billions from it every year still go unregulated and unaccountable - and people are becoming more aware of this. The antics of Elon Musk alone have seen people leaving Twitter in droves.

But if you’ve diversified your strategy, and put effort into other ways to reach your audience, that won’t concern you in the slightest!

Want to market your business without relying on social media? Get in touch!


Latest design work: Mezz Coleman


Client Success: Annus Horribilis (coming soon!)